
When will my life science brand be famous? Part 5

Eleanor Harms
By Eleanor Harms

Branding Series Part Five (of five)

(Written by our Senior Commercial Manager, Eleanor Harms with contributions from our wider team)

When will my life science brand be famous?

We still haven’t answered that, because there isn’t really a comprehensive answer – but hopefully you understand the topic of brand fame a little better now…

In the final instalment of our series on brand fame, we wrap up what we’ve learned in a simple summary.

Part Five

That’s a wrap!

In this blog series, we’ve looked at what ‘brand fame’ is all about and the elements that can make it happen.

We talked about the importance of visibility; forgetting hyper targeting and going for an omnipresent placement strategy that uses consistent creative on all channels, while also not neglecting your messaging.

Next, we discussed how to get your brand ‘talked about’ in the industry through social campaigns, news generation, thought leadership, events and doing the unexpected.

Finally, we focused on creativity and the importance of a distinctive visual style that doesn’t play it too safe or get diluted over time.

Putting your brand out there

Whether it’s being seen in the right places by your audience, being talked about at big events or standing out from a creative point of view – the common theme in brand fame is putting your brand out there, trying new things and not hiding in the shadows.

It can be all too easy to stick with what you know and play it safe when it comes to branding, particularly in the life sciences space. But that is not what will get you noticed.


At the same time, it’s important that any brand fame tactics don’t come across as gimmicky or fleeting. It was Andy Warhol who coined the idea of fame being short-lived or 15 minutes for many individuals, but when it comes to brands, you have to be in it for the long game.

If you only focus on creative for one event or do a couple of news releases then go quiet, it’s difficult to build upon your initial success and things can drop off.

By consistently working on all of the elements that we have discussed, it’s possible to gradually increase brand fame over time and build up a level of recognition and salience that will make you the envy of competitors.

Final thoughts

It’s been great to share all things brand fame with you over the past few weeks! We hope you have enjoyed the series and it’s given you lots of ideas about how to make your brand stand out.

If you missed any of our previous branding blogs you can bookmark them here and enjoy referring back to them at your leisure:

Branding series

Blog 1 – What it really means to get noticed

Blog 2 – How to improve your brand’s visibility

Blog 3 – 5 ways to get your brand talked about more in the industry

Blog 4 – Strengthening creativity for your brand

If you would like to discuss brand ideas or discover how our expert researchers, creatives, and marketers can support your brand, then feel free to reach out to us. 

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